The battle between siblings can be a never-ending one.
One day they are best friends, and the next they are at each other's throats.
It is hard for parents to stop it from happening, but there are some things that you can do to stop sibling fighting from getting out of hand!
Here are fourteen ways that have worked in our home:
Set Ground Rules for Arguing in Your Home
By setting ground rules, you will be able to stop sibling fighting before it starts.
These ground rules are for arguments between siblings or other members of the household only and do not apply if one child is in trouble with another family member such as a parent.
Agree for everyone to treat each other with respect and stop arguments from getting too heated.
Agree that if someone doesn't stop arguing when asked, they will be in time-out for a certain amount of minutes or hours depending on the age and maturity level.
If you are not old enough to understand how long your time-outs should last, then an older sibling can help out by keeping track of time and enforcing the rules.
Give Kids Some Space to Work out Their Differences
Generally, it's a good idea to stop sibling fighting before the fight gets too heated. It's also a good idea to give kids some space when you can tell they are having trouble working out their differences on their own.
Encourage Kids to Compromise and Find Common Ground
Sometimes, it might be necessary for siblings to stop arguing by coming up with compromises that both of them will agree upon as fair.
If there is no common ground between two children who want different things, try asking each child what they would like most if given the choice and then let them decide which one will have more time or privileges in order to keep the peace.
Introduce Siblings To New Things Together
Try introducing young ones to new toys together so that everyone has something fun during playtime.
There's no reason why they can't share the toys and have fun together.
Start a New Family Tradition
Another way to stop sibling fighting is by starting new family traditions which give everyone something in common and can act as something for siblings to look forward to or do together instead of against each other.
Help Siblings Focus on the Good Stuff Together
When it's difficult, try finding things that you all enjoy doing together such as cooking dinner or reading stories before bedtime so that there are some good moments between your kids when they're not arguing!
Don’t Make Sibling Rivalry Worse by Taking Sides
As parents, you may not always be aware of what is going on between your children. However, it's important to stop sibling fighting by not taking sides or making the rivalry worse.
Kids can jealous very quickly, so if you take sides in the argument it will only make things worse.
To stop yourself from doing this, observe how you react when you're in an argument with someone else.
If you focus on what the other person is doing wrong, it will just make things worse for both of them and the relationship.
This technique can be applied to sibling arguments as well: if one child does something right or nice, try praising that behavior instead!
Create a chore list and assign chores to each person in the house
Creating chores allows kids to feel like they have something of their own in the home. This means that kids won't be fighting for what's theirs but will instead work together as a team and share resources.
It is important to remember, however, not to assign tasks that are too difficult or dangerous for younger children so that older children can help out when necessary.
Again, this technique works best if everyone washes up after themselves before expecting someone else to clean up after them!
Create a schedule of when people are allowed to use electronics, such as TVs, tablets, laptops
By creating a schedule for when people are allowed to use electronics, such as TVs and tablets, kids will have less time on their devices which means they'll be more inclined to get outside or do something else rather than fight with each other!
Most of the fighting is over electronics, so if they can't use them as much, it will reduce the number of arguments.
Have family meetings where everyone gets an opportunity to talk about their feelings and concerns
This has proven to be really effective in our family because it gives everyone a chance to have their feelings heard and any issues aired so that they can be talked about in the open.
The most important thing here is to make sure kids know they are always welcome at these meetings with you, even when nothing's wrong!
This will give each child an opportunity to discuss how things are going, what worries them or makes them happy on a day-to-day basis as well as ask for help if needed.
Teach Your Children How to Resolve Conflicts
In calm moments, it's a good idea to teach children how to resolve conflicts, whether it is with an argument or disagreement.
It can be difficult for kids when they're having trouble coming up with solutions on their own, so if this happens help your child come up with ways that work best for them and the other person.
For example, I might ask my son what he would like most if given the choice: more time in front of the TV because he loves playing video games or more one-on-one attention from me?
He decides which option works best for him and we set those rules as ground rules until another issue arises at home between siblings who are not getting along.
This technique always helps us stop sibling fighting before it starts by talking about what each child wants and needs.
Don’t Compare Your Kids: Embrace Each as an Individual
It's always a good idea to teach your children to stop comparing themselves with siblings.
Intense sibling rivalry is often the result of comparisons and one child feeling they have been wronged by their parents, even if it's unintentional or in jest.
Comparing kids can make them feel like they are not good enough for you as a parent, which will only lead to more feelings of sadness and jealousy between brothers and sisters who love each other dearly but just don't get along sometimes!
Talking about how we view our own strengths and weaknesses without comparison helps us embrace ourselves better while also understanding others from different perspectives.
Kids still react negatively when compared because it makes them feel that there is something lacking within themselves - this causes resentment towards the other person, be it an older or younger sibling.
Pay Attention to How You React When Your Kids Argue and Fight
Do you think you're an over-reactor? Or do you think that you are too lenient?
If your kids get into an argument, it's important to pay attention to how you react when they're fighting.
Doing this will help both of them learn and understand what is acceptable in the household.
This technique helps stop sibling fighting because it teaches children right from wrong while also showing them that there can be a consequence for their actions - something which might not have been clear before!
Try managing your stress first before you intervene with your kids - it will help you stay calm and collected while trying to de-escalate the situation.
Be patient - it will take time for things to change but be persistent!
It's amazing just how much can be achieved with a little bit of patience and a lot of love!
When your kids see you being patient, it encourages them to do the same!
Wrapping Up
There are many ways to help your children stop fighting, but the most important thing is that you stay calm. Research has found that when parents react calmly and consistently, sibling conflicts decrease in frequency by 50%.
It’s also important for parents to remind their kids of what they can do instead of fighting - like playing together or helping each other with homework.
If these methods don't work, it might be time to seek professional assistance from a therapist or counselor who specialises in family therapy.